Conflict, communication and empowerment

How to foster a positive work environment

Agree and encourage.

Fostering a positive culture with your team and partnerships requires strong communication; something that's vulnerable and from the heart. Here are some tips on communicating to build a stronger culture.

Building Trust

The foundation of any relationship must be build on trust. We establish trust through vulnerability. It's exposing ourselves to potentially negative feedback which allows us to grow. Showing vulnerability is a powerful way to support a trusting, positive team culture. Teamwork begins with trust; it's the base that allows us to build upon so we are equipped to approach conflict, give feedback and explore accountability and commitment. Once we have worked through all of these layers our focus can ultimately be on results. How to build trust? Start by going first, ask for help on something, ask for feedback, try something new, admit to mistakes; by doing this you will empower your team to do the same and foster a culture where they feel safe to ask questions, admit mistakes and ask for help instead of risking doing something wrong or not at all.

Communication through conflict

Conflict requires mutual trust, and a healthy ability to communicate and listen. Avoiding conflict does not make issues go away. Terrifying isolation is the consequence of avoiding conflict-you'll unintentionally push people you care about away. To approach conflict correctly you must first understand what is wrong. Start with a monthly meeting using a framework of questions. A check-in where you can revisit where you are and where you're going; explore three questions: what are we doing right, what could we be doing better, and what areas do we need help with? By confronting your problems and fears head on you will ultimately transform your inadequacies into your greatest assets. By avoiding what needs to be addressed the problem and potential for unhealthy conflict and isolation will only get worse.

Mutual Empowerment

We all want to feel mutual empowerment. It requires a total permanent commitment to the mission and vision of the business and alignment. Do you have a shared mission and vision for your business? Do you understand your partner's goals, are they aligned with yours? Have you talked about where you want the farm to be in 5, 10, or x years? Have you asked Dad what he wants? Have you asked yourself, your partner, your children? What about post-transition for your parents, what do they want that to look like and how will you all work to get there.

Synergistic relationships happen when we are vulnerable enough to share our innate values and goals for the partnership.

And they must be aligned/on the same page or you will never reach or exceed your goals without conflict and resentment.



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